The company was established in 1990. It started as ET SAFARI-MX Plamen Genchev. Since 1994 also registered has been Safari-M EOOD.
It cultivates 25,000 decares in the villages of Borisovo, Ryahovo, Stambolovo, Kosharna and Malko Vranovo, Slivo Pole Municipality, Rousse District. The company is mainly engaged in grain production, where main crops sown are: 10,000 decares of wheat, 3,000 decares of sunflower, 6,000 decares of rapeseed, 3,000 decares of corn, with 1,700 decares irrigated, 700 decares drip irrigated and 1000 decares use irrigation machines, 1,000 decares of alfalfa, as well as essential oils crops: 2,000 decares of fennel and 300 decares of lavender.
Crops related to the development of to the farm of Safari-M EOOD are fennel and lavender. The areas cultivated are in a process of transition to organic production, from which in the newly built distillery essential oil of fennel and lavender is produced. Produced oils enjoy demand in France, Germany, Italy, USA, etc.
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